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What are Chakras?

In Sanskrit, "Chakra" literally translates to wheel or disk. They are the seven main points of energy in our body that start from the base of the spine through the crown (top) of the head. If you were to picture a chakra in your body, it would be a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness join. This invisible energy is our vital life force, which keeps us healthy and alive. 


Each one of these energy centers is associated with specific characteristcs, indicating how the energy is flowing. Charkras can be excessive (too far open), deficient (too constricted), blocked (completly constricted), or balanced (not too open, not too cut off). The different states of your chakras can affect how we function in our day to day lives, our emotional states, and even our physical health!

What are the different Chakras?

*The Root Chakra


The root chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. It is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and the Earth. Muladhara is the most instinctual of all chakras — it is your survival center.


-Element: Earth
-Color: Red

-Issues: The body, strength, foundation, survival, physical needs, roots, grounding, trust, health, material existence - home and prosperity, family, security, safety

-Balanced Characteristics: Good health, vitality, well grounded, comfortable in body, sense of trust in the world, feeling of safety and security, ability to relax and be still, stability, prosperity, the right to livelihood

-Deficient Characteristics: Disconnection from body, notably underweight, fearful, anxious, results, poor focus and discipline, financial difficulty, poor boundaries, chronic disorganization

-Excessive Characteristics: Obesity, overeating, hoarding, material fixation, greed, sluggish, lazy, tired, fear of change, addiction to security, rigid boundaries

-Blocked Characteristics: If blocked, you may feel fearful, anxious, insecure and frustrated. Problems with obesity, anorexia nervosa, and men trouble can occur. Person may avoid physical activity, so be low in energy, and may even be "sickly"

-Traumas and Abuses: Birth trauma, abandonment, physical neglect, poor physical bonding with mother, malnourishment, feeding difficulties, major illness or surgery, physical abuse/violent environment, inherited traumas (patents who survived by have fear from war, poverty, etc)

-Physical Malfunctions: Chronic spinal problems, back pain, sciatica, rectal tumors/cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, arthritis, skin problems, disorders of the bowel, anus, and large intestine, bone and tooth problems, issues with legs, feet, knees, base of spine, and buttocks, eating disorders, and frequent illness (can indicate deficient and/or excessive)

-Healing Strategy: Reconnect with body, physical activity, lots of touch, massage, yoga

-Foods: Proteins, red fruits and vegetables

-Affirmation: I am grounded and safe.

-Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Rosemary, Patchouli

-Crystals: Bloodstone, Garnet, Hematite, Jet, Black Obsidian



*The Sacral Chakra


The Sacral Chakra is your passion and pleasure center and it is located in the pelvic area. While the Root Chakra is satisfied with survival, the 2nd chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment.


-Element: Water
-Color: Orange

-Issues: Change, movement, flow, sensation, pleasure, emotional balance, need, desire, guilt, duality

-Balanced Characteristics: Graceful movement, emotional intelligence, about to experience pleasure, nurturance of self and others, ability to change, healthy boundaries

-Deficient Characteristics: Rigidity in body and attitudes, frigidity, fear of sex, poor social skills, denial of pleasure, excessive boundaries, fear of change, lack of desire, passion, and excitement

-Excessive Characteristics: Sexual acting out, sexual addiction, pleasure addiction, excessively strong emotions, ruled by emotions (hysteria, bipolar mood swings, crisis junkies), excessively sensitive emotionally, poor boundaries, invasion of others, seductive manipulation, emotional dependency, obsessive attachment

-Blocked Characteristics: If blocked, you may feel explosive, manipulative, obsessed with thoughts of sex, or lack energy. Physical problems may include kidney weakness, stiff lower back, constipation, and muscle spasms

-Traumas and Abuses: Sexual abuse (covert or overt) emotional abuse, volatile situations; neglect - coldness and rejection; denial of child's feeling states, lack of mirroring, enmeshment, emotional manipulation, overuse of playpen or restricting normal movement, religious or moral severity (anti-pleasure), physical abuse, alcoholic families, inherited issues - parents who have not worked it their own issues around sexuality; untreated cases of incest

-Physical Malfunctions: OB/GYN problems, pelvic/lower back pain, sexual potency, urinary problems, and appendicitis. Disorders of reproductive organs and spleen. Menstrual difficulties. Sexual disfunction - impotence, premature ejaculation, frigidity, non-orgasmic. Knee trouble, lack of flexibility, deadened senses, Loss of appetite for food, sex, and life

Healing Strategy: Movement therapy (yoga or dance), emotional release or containment as appropriate, inner child work, boundary work, 12-step programs for addictions, assign healthy pleasures, develop sensate intelligence

-Foods: Liquids, orange fruits and vegetables

-Affirmation: I am relaxed and my energy flows evenly.

-Essential Oils: Patchouli, Myrrh

-Crystals: Amber, Carnelian, Fire Agate, Moonstone, Golden Tiger's Eye



*The Solar Plexus Chakra


The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the navel and solar plexus, is the core of our personality, our identity, of our ego.


-Element: Fire
-Color: Yellow

-Issues: Energy, activity, autonomy, authority, individualization, self-will, self-esteem, shame, proactivity, natural gifts, wholeness

-Balanced Characteristics: Responsible, reliable, balanced, effective will, good self-esteem, balanced ego-strength, warmth in personality, confidence, spontaneity - playfulness, sense of humor, authority self-discipline, smart of one's personal power, able to meet challenges

-Deficient Characteristics: Low energy, weak will, easily manipulated, poor self-discipline and follow through, low self-esteem, cold - empirically and/or physically, poor digestion, collapsed middle, attraction to stimulants, victim mentality, blaming if others, passive, unreliable

-Excessive Characteristics: Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling, need to be right - have the last word, manipulative, power hungry, deceitful, attraction to sedatives, temper tantrums, violent outbursts, stubbornness, driving ambition (Type-A personality) competitive, arrogant, hyperactivity

-Blocked Characteristics: If blocked, you may feel a lack of confidence, confused, worry about what others think, feel that others are controlling your life, and may be depressed. Physical problems may include digestive difficulties, liver problems, diabetes, nervous exhaustion, and food allergies

-Traumas and Abuses: Shaming, authoritarianism, volatile situations, domination of will, physical abuse, dangerous environment, fear of punishment, enmeshment, emotional manipulation, age inappropriate responsibilities (parentified child), inherited shame from parent

-Physical Malfunctions: Gastric or duodenal ulcers, Colon/intestinal problems; ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome; heartburn/gastritis; pancreatitis/diabetes; constipation and diarrhea; indigestion - chronic or acute; anorexia and bulimia; liver dysfunction; hepatitis; adrenal dysfunction

Healing Strategy: Risk taking, grounding and emotional contact, deep relaxation, stress control, vigorous exercise (running, martial arts), psychotherapy - build ego strength, release or contain anger, work on shame issues, strengthen the will, encourage autonomy

-Foods: Complex carbohydrates and grains

-Affirmation: I am balanced and own my personal power.

-Essential Oils: Lavender, Peppermint, Cinnamon

-Crystals: Ametrine, Citrine, Peridot, Golden Topaz



*The Heart Chakra


The Heart Chakra, the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy, is the fourth Chakra located in the center of the chest at the heart level.


-Element: Air
-Color: Green

-Issues: Love, balance, self-reflection, self-acceptance, acceptance of others/relationships, intimacy, grief, compassion, devotion

-Balanced Characteristics: Compassionate, loving, empathetic, self-loving, altruistic, peaceful, balanced, healthy immune system

-Deficient Characteristics: Antisocial, withdrawn, cold, critical, judgmental, intolerant of self or others, loneliness, isolation, depression, fear of intimacy, fear of relationships, lack of empathy, narcissism

-Excessive Characteristics: Codependency, poor boundaries, demanding, clinging, jealousy, overly sacrificing

-Blocked Characteristics: If blocked, you may feel sorry for yourself, paranoid, indecisive, afraid of letting go, afraid of getting hurt, or feel unworthy of love. Physical illnesses include heart attack, high blood pressure, insomnia, and difficulty breathing.

-Traumas and Abuses: Rejection, abandonment, loss, shaming, constant criticism, abuses to any other chakras- especially lower chakras, unacknowledged grief- including parent's grief, divorce, death of loved one, loveless, cold environments, conditional love, sexual or physical abuse, betrayal

-Physical Malfunctions: Coronary artery disease; heart attack; hypertension; cardiac arrhythmias; chest pain; mitral valve prolapse; congestive heart failure; asthma/allergies; lung cancer; pneumonia; upper back/shoulder problems; breast problems, including cancer

-Healing Strategy: Breathing exercises, work with arms- reaching out/taking in, journaling, self-discovery, psychotherapy- examine assumptions about relationships, emotional release of grief, forgiveness when appropriate, inner child work, codependency work, self-acceptance, anima/animus integration

Foods: Green vegetables and dark leafy greens

-Affirmation: I am worthy of love.

-Essential Oils: Rosewood, Spruce, Jasmine, Lavender

-Crystals: Red Aventurine, Clear Quartz, Pink Kunzite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Ruby in Zoisite, Unakite



*The Throat Chakra


The Throat Chakra is the voice of the body and the fifth chakra. It is a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be expressed


-Element: Sound
-Color: Light Blue

-Issues: Symbolic thinking, resonance, communication, the voice, truth and lies, creativity

-Balanced Characteristics: Resonant voice, good listener, good sense of timing and rhythm, clear communication, lives creatively

-Deficient Characteristics: Fear of speaking, small/weak voice, difficulty putting feelings into words, introversion, shyness, tone deaf, poor rhythm

-Excessive Characteristics: Too much talking as a defense, inability to listen, poor auditory comprehension, gossiping, dominating voice, interruptions

-Blocked Characteristics: If blocked, you may feel like holding back, be timid, quiet feel weak, or cannot express your thoughts. Physical illnesses or ailments include hyperthyroid, skin irritations, ear infections, sore throat, inflammations, and back pain

-Traumas and Abuses: Lies, mixed messages, verbal abuse, constant yelling, excessive criticism (blocks creativity), secrets (threats for telling), authoritarian parents (don't talk back), alcoholic/chemical dependant family (don't talk, don't trust, don't feel)

-Physical Malfunctions: Bronchitis/hoarseness; chronic sore throats; mouth ulcers; gum difficulties; TMJ problems; cervical disc disease, chronic neck pain, laryngitis, swollen glands in neck; thyroid problems; disorders of the throat, ears, voice, and neck; tightness of the jaw

-Healing Strategy: Loosen neck and shoulders, release voice, singing/humming/chanting/toning, story telling, journal writing, practice silence (excessive), non-goal oriented creativity, psychotherapy- learn communication skills; complete communications; letter writing, inner child communication

-Foods: Fruit

-Affirmation: It is safe to speak my mind- expressing my feelings is safe and healing.

-Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, Lemon, Spearmint

-Crystals: Amazonite, Angelite, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Tiger's Eye, Sapphire, Turquoise



*The Third Eye Chakra


The Third Eye Chakra transcends time. It is located in the brain, at the brow, above the base of the nose and is the sixth chakra.


-Element: Light
-Color: Indigo

-Issues: Pattern recognition, archetypes, symbols, images, dreams, intuition, transcendence, vision, clairvoyance

-Balanced Characteristics: Intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, good memory, able to access and remember dreams, able to think symbolically, able to visualize

-Deficient Characteristics: Insensitivity, poor vision, poor memory, difficulty seeing future of imagining alternatives, lack of imagination, difficulty visualizing, can't remember dreams, denial (can't see what is going on), mono-polarized (one true way and only way)

-Excessive Characteristics: Hallucinations, delusions, obsessions, difficulty concentrating, nightmares

-Blocked Characteristics: If blocked, you may feel non-assertive, afraid of success, or go the opposite way and become egotistical. Physical symptoms may include headaches, frequent migraines, blurred vision, blindness, and eyestrain

-Traumas and Abuses: What you see doesn't go with what you are told; invalidation of intuition and psychic occurrences; ugly or frightening environment (war zone, violence)

-Physical Malfunctions: Headaches, vision problems

-Healing Strategy: Creative visual art, visual stimulation, meditation, psychotherapy- coloring and drawing/art therapy; working with memory; connecting image with feeling; dreamwork; hypnosis; guided visualizations

-Foods: Chlorophyll, breath, and air

-Affirmation: I see myself and others clearly.

-Essential Oils: Bergamot, Juniper, Lemongrass

-Crystals: Ametrine, Blue Tiger's Eye, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite



*The Crown Chakra


The crown chakra is the seventh chakra and it is at the top of the "chakra ladder" which starts from the root chakra that grounds us on the Earth and progresses upward which connects us with the universe and the Divine source of creation. The Crown chakra is located at the crown of the head.


-Element: Thought
-Color: Violet/White

-Issues: Awareness, belief systems, universal identity, transcendence, intelligence, meaning, unity

-Balanced Characteristics: Ability to perceive, analyze, and assimilate information; intelligent, thoughtful, aware; open-minded, able to question; has a sense of spiritual connection; wisdom and mastery, broad understanding.

-Deficient Characteristics: Spiritual cynicism; learning difficulties; rigid belief systems; apathy; excess in lower chakras- materialism, greed, domination of others

Excessive Characteristics: Over-intellectualization; spiritual addiction; confusion; dissociation from body

-Blocked Characteristics: If blocked, you may feel a constant sense of frustration, no spark of joy, and destructive feelings. Illnesses may include migraine headaches and depression.

-Traumas and Abuses: Withheld information; education which thwarts curiosity; forced religiosity; invalidation of one's beliefs; blind obedience (no right to question or think for oneself); misinformation, lies; spiritual abuse

-Physical Malfunctions: Developmental disorders (cerebral palsy); genetic disorders; multiple sclerosis; ALS; multiple-system abnormalities; any life-threatening illness or accident that serves as a wake-up call, coma, migraines, brain tumors, amnesia, cognitive delusions

-Healing Strategy: Reestablish physical/emotional connection; establish spirit connection; program of learning and study; spiritual discipline; meditation; psychotherapy, examine belief systems, develop inner witness, goal setting

-Foods: Sun, juice, and fasting

-Affirmation: I an guided by a higher power. I am open to see my higher good.

-Essential Oils: Anise, Frankincense, Lemongrass

-Crystals: Amethyst, Ametrine, Celestite, Howlite







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